Sunday, March 29, 2009

Smart Lingerie - Butt Lifting Knicker

Girls how would you feel if your butts life instantly and get firm and round, without even hitting the gym?

Andrew Christian, the celebrity designer famous for men's underwears, has designed a butt lifting underwear for women called WonderWear. Its the female version of the popular male Flashback Bubble Butt underwear for men.

So girls, you can finally get the perfect but with no sweat or implants and surgeries. The WonderWear has invisible lifting support built into the seams of the underwear. The construction of the underwear automatically lifts the buttocks making it look firm and round without the need for any embarrassing padding or straps hidden inside.

It has a wide, black nylon waistband which acts almost as tummy control (dual benefit). And the best thing is, despite the utility it provides, the knickers actually look quite cool. So you don't have to compromise on the look and style.

Doesn't it sound amazing? We needed this since so long. What are you waiting for? Check out Andrew Christrian�s WonderWear if you want to lift your butt.

Click here for product review of WonderWear.

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