Thursday, May 7, 2009


Spring/Summer 2009 Buys - Straw Tote added
Straw Bags are just perfect for summer . They just scream summer and lazy days at the beach. And this season, more and more of the straw handbags are looking refined and down right stylish. Click here to read more and buy your perfect Straw Tote.

Handbags for Spring/Summer 2009 - handbag picks added with links
Perfect Spring Summer Bags added to the post with links from where you can buy them. Get these perfect Summer Bags to update your wardrobe. Tory Burch ultra stylish Bag, Oasis pink delight, Bensimon Tote for the gym.

Trend Watch - White Jeans
New Pictures Added of Celebrities in White Jeans (Kim Kardashian in Siwy Jeans - white shredded jeans). Click here for more.

Snow White in Summer
Lauren Conrad in all White Ensemble, looking great in her casual yet stylish look. Pictures Added. Click here to read more and check out Lauren Conrad's pictures.

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Tie Dye Jeans - Hit or Miss?
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