Friday, June 26, 2009

Emma Watson - Looking Lovely in Teen Vogue

British star Emma Watson, famous for her role in Harry Potter, looks lovely in Teen Vogue's August 2009 edition.


Emma on her style: She likes to play safe with the sophisticated Chanel. She says,"I live, really, in jeans from Topshop, blazers from Ralph Lauren or Reiss, and ballet flats. It�s very hard to describe your own style and I�m young, so I�m still experimenting. But I think it�s quite British and very much about individuality. There�s nothing interesting about looking perfect�you lose the point. You want what you�re wearing to say something about you, about who you are".





From 2001 to 2007, Ms Watson starred in five Harry Potter films alongside Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint. Her role in Harry Potter has won her several awards.

In case you don't know, Emma is also the new face of Burberry, and currently feaures in their Autumn Winter 2009 Campaign. British girl, for a British brand.

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