Monday, July 20, 2009


This season's biggest beauty trend - Sexy RED LIPS. Celebrities to runways to the style divas, Red Lipstick is a must have for everyone, and we are already seeing it. From the vivid sports-coupe crimson worn at YSL to the juicy tomato shade that showed up at Ruffian by M.A.C, the fall �09 runways were overrun with glamorous vermilion mouths. L�Or�al is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year and red lipstick happens to be staging a major comeback even by them.

Well now we might thing, when was red not in fashion? No wonder red lips have a place in every season but this season you can wear it anytime and anyplace.

Any woman can pull off red lipsticks as long as she wears the right shade of red. Berries, crimson, corals or classic red - there is a perfect shade for every single one of us; its just a matter of some research and right selection.

How to find the perfect red for your lips?
- Lip Size: For thinner lips the lighter shades of red flatter your complexion, while opt for darker shades of red if you have fuller lips.
- Skin Tone: The darker your skin tone, the darker shade of red you should choose. So paler skin pink tones of red, berry reds and plum tones would look best and those with darker skin tones, such as olive, orangey reds, brown based reds and golden reds would complient well.

Does your red lipstcik suit you?
You can tell immediately if a lipstick suits you because it lights up your eyes, your hair, your skin.

How to wear red lipstick?
To keep the focus on your red lips keep your make-up mininal. The naural and subtle your make-up, the better it compliments the red lipstick. You can even out your skin with a base or luminiser to get it looking even but natural and apply mascara, very little liner or eyeshadow. Natural blush on the apples of the cheeks would finish your red-lips look.

At Cannes Angelina Jolie sported the most provocative inflated red pout imaginable, offset by minimal eye make up and a nude-coloured dress.


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