Sunday, December 6, 2009

Laura Mercier Cr�me de Pistache

Laura Mercier's Cr�me de Pistache, its Bath and Body Collection is completely delectable. It smells great and feels great on skin. The collection includes Souffl� Body Cr�me, Body Scrub and Honey Bath.

The Souffl� Body Cr�me is rich and luxurious, leaving your skin smell great and moistured all day long. Just a little cream on the body and you will feel great. Unlike usual rich creams, it does not make your skin greasy or makes it feel too heavy. Just the right amount of moisture you require. The smell is great, it not just smells of pistacio but has hint of almond, praline, and hazelnut. Try it and you are sure going to love it.

The Body Scrub is equally good, it uses crushed pistachio shells for exfoliation, removing dead skin and leaving your skin soft and smooth. It smells great and is a great buy. Have been looking for a great scrub since long and this one is just perfect.

I haven't tried the Honey Bath, but have heard good reviews of the product. Its made from natural ingredients and they say 'it leaves the skin feel fresh and supple'.

At $46 for the body scrub, $40 for the honey bath and $55 for the body cream its a bit expensive, but it is good to pamper and indulge yourself in luxury. And for those who are looking for something to fit your budget, you must try the bath and body products from the skincare brand Naked, they are made from natural ingredients and are crueltyfree. Click here to know more about it.


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