She was spotted with beau Dev Patel at Film4 Summer Screen of 'Slumdog Millionaire' at London's Somerset House in a chic Stella McCartney (Resort 2010) LBD and Jimmy Choo gold stappy sandal. In the accessories department, she wore a chunky gold cuff and carried a lovely colourful beaded clutch. Though she could have done better in hair department, her hair didn't do justice to overall look.
The girl sure knows well how to keep up with the trend and carry it well too. Following the release of the movie Coco Avant Chanel, Coco Chanel's chic style has hit the fashion radar and Freida re-emphasised it with the LBD she wore. To keep up with the modern twist of LBD she chose one with mesh, which added an edge to her dress.
Freida Pinto at Somerset House in London
Like her shoes?
She is wearing Jimmy Choo 'Freya' Metallic Gold Sandals.
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