Friday, October 30, 2009

President Influencing the Fashion World

President and Prime Ministers are now influencing the fashion world or another way of creating attention on runways?

Last year, Jean-Charles De Castelbajac showed off his Spring 2009 collection during Paris Fashion Week with President Barak Obama inspiring his collection. Even Sonia Rykiel's Spring 2009 collection had the Prez Obama effect. Her collection included sweaters that read "I have a dream" and "Obama".

Spring 2009 looks at Sonia Rykiel (left) and Jean-Charles de Castelbajac (right)

Now is it the west effect or really the PM inspiration, Indian designer Rohit Mittal flaunted his model who was wearing a dress with a picture of Prime Minister Mr Manmohan Singh. The short-length black and white checkered dress, with a kitsch, bearing the image of a smiling Mr. Singh wearing his trademark blue turban � is a part of Mittal�s Spring 2010 collection.

Rohit Mittal Spring 2010 Collection

Its one thing to get attention on the runway, while other thing to wear such pieces.
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